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Corak modern merupakan salah satu corak terbaru dan berkelas, berikut contoh corak moder terbaru
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Bapak Ayub
im3 :0856 8547 525 (WhatsApp)
simpati : 081 226 501 760
bbm: 53a191f0

image gold_modern_xl8960 VENETTA wallpaper
image moder_gold_37733 AMORE wallpaper
image luxurious_modern_p3300 ART RUBY wallpaper
image luxurious_darkp_3304 ART RUBY wallpaper
image Eropa_gold31288 HAPPY DAYS wallpaper
image rhomb_square770104 STUDIO wallpaper
image square_chess STUDIO wallpaper
image purpel_modern770506 STUDIO wallpaper
image dark_moderna1009 VEGAS wallpaper
image batik_modern_dy99703 VEGAS wallpaper
image deluxe_h12705 VEGAS wallpaper
image casual_moderne85200-1  wallpaper
image yellow_golds_pant_w3902 MAESTRO wallpaper
image black_modern_xta355 MAESTRO wallpaper
image batik_dark_brown_xta356 MAESTRO wallpaper
image dark_red_modern_fse2453 Queen wallpaper
image Artistic_CD8304 Casa Benz wallpaper
image Artistic_CD8306 Casa Benz wallpaper
image Modern_CD8922 Casa Benz wallpaper
image tribal_CQ4805 Casa Benz wallpaper
image modern_2022 The Shard wallpaper
image Modern_2023 The Shard wallpaper
image flower_2033 The Shard wallpaper

image modern_114_3 REX wallpaper
image Modern_redbrown MILAN SPRING wallpaper
image fullcolor_59229-2 BOS wallpaper
image fullcolor_59229-1 BOS wallpaper
image blue_modern_15011 Moncheri wallpaper
image orange_modern_1509 Moncheri wallpaper
image Modern_circle_A7004-1 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_circle_A7004-5 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_circle_A7004-3 HANNA wallpaper
image wave_A7008-2 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1401 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1406 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1405 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1404 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_ZH1305 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_gold_5532-2 SOHO wallpaper
image modern_dark_5532-3 SOHO wallpaper
image batik_5559-2 SOHO wallpaper
image modern_2046-6 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_silver_2046-1 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_2046-3 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_2046-2 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_brown SPACE IN wallpaper

image modern_114_3 REX wallpaper
image Modern_redbrown MILAN SPRING wallpaper
image fullcolor_59229-2 BOS wallpaper
image fullcolor_59229-1 BOS wallpaper
image blue_modern_15011 Moncheri wallpaper
image orange_modern_1509 Moncheri wallpaper
image Modern_circle_A7004-1 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_circle_A7004-5 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_circle_A7004-3 HANNA wallpaper
image wave_A7008-2 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1401 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1406 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1405 HANNA wallpaper
image batik_ZH1404 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_ZH1305 HANNA wallpaper
image modern_gold_5532-2 SOHO wallpaper
image modern_dark_5532-3 SOHO wallpaper
image batik_5559-2 SOHO wallpaper
image modern_2046-6 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_silver_2046-1 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_2046-3 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_2046-2 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_brown SPACE IN wallpaper

image batik_silver_spacein SPACE IN wallpaper
image batik_gold_silver_2046-4 SPACE IN wallpaper
image wave_space in_2046-5 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_2041-2 SPACE IN wallpaper
image modern_2033-4 SPACE IN wallpaper
image purpel_modern_2036-4 SPACE IN wallpaper
image art_circle_8246-1 VERENA wallpaper
image modern_8250-1 VERENA wallpaper
image modern_8952-1 VERENA wallpaper
image eropa_AG104208 ATHENA wallpaper
image eropa_AG104206 ATHENA wallpaper
image line HA130466 ATHENA wallpaper
image dark HA130307 ATHENA wallpaper
image dark eropa HA130105 ATHENA wallpaper
image soft eropa HA130101 ATHENA wallpaper
image modern_9734-3 Nadia wallpaper
image modern 9734-2 Nadia wallpaper
image red modern 9727-3 Nadia wallpaper
image modern silver 9727-2 Nadia wallpaper
image modern black 9717-4 Nadia wallpaper
image art paris 9729-2 Nadia wallpaper
image modern 9730-4 Nadia wallpaper
image modern 9715-1 Nadia wallpaper
image green modern 3011-4 BOHEMIA wallpaper

image soft modern 3011-5  wallpaper
image modern soft 3011-3 BOHEMIA wallpaper
image modern 6020-5 BOHEMIA wallpaper
image modern 6020-4 BOHEMIA wallpaper
image modern RP3226 ROYAL PERFECTION 3 wallpaper
image flower modern RP5602 ROYAL PERFECTION 3 wallpaper
image flower modern RP5605 ROYAL PERFECTION 3 wallpaper
image blue modern RP5606 ROYAL PERFECTION 3 wallpaper
image flower modern RP5607 ROYAL PERFECTION 3 wallpaper
image flower modern RP5662 ROYAL PERFECTION 3 wallpaper
image modern 1751-3 DARAE wallpaper
image flower modern 1751-2 DARAE wallpaper
image circle flower brown 1749-3 DARAE wallpaper
image modern 1736-3 DARAE wallpaper
image modern 1714-1 DARAE wallpaper
image circle white 1655-1 DARAE wallpaper
image modern violet 2169-3 DAON wallpaper
image modern flower 2066-1 DAON wallpaper
image modern white 88017-3 BELITA wallpaper
image modern flower 9677-3 G Stone Art wallpaper
image modern square batik 9672-1 G Stone Art wallpaper
image modern grey 9610-2 G Stone Art wallpaper
image modern 9235-3 G Stone Art wallpaper

image modern square 9606-2 G Stone Art wallpaper
image modern big BR 129407 BRAGI wallpaper
image modern big white BR 129402 BRAGI wallpaper
image modern big brown BR 129406 BRAGI wallpaper
image modern BR 129201 BRAGI wallpaper
image modern BR 129206 BRAGI wallpaper
image modern BR 129205 BRAGI wallpaper
image modern R2-0404 LARETA wallpaper
image modern circle 9016-5 BOUTIQUE wallpaper
image modern circle 9016-3 BOUTIQUE wallpaper
image dark modern 9003-5 BOUTIQUE wallpaper
image modern 9003-3 BOUTIQUE wallpaper
image modern 9003-2 BOUTIQUE wallpaper
image modern europe 9007-2 BOUTIQUE wallpaper
image modern 9017-1 BOUTIQUE wallpaper
image modern red 10029-5 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern gold 10029-3 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern blue 10029-6 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern orange 10029-4 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern circle 10028-5 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern circle 10028-6 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern circle 10028-3 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern circle 10028-4 SELECTION wallpaper

image modern white 10030-3 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern brown 10030-2 SELECTION wallpaper
image modern black MY 3031 MYSTIC wallpaper
image modern MY 3034 MYSTIC wallpaper
image modern gold MY 3043 MYSTIC wallpaper
image modern MY 3052 MYSTIC wallpaper
image modern MY 3053 MYSTIC wallpaper
image modern MY 3055 MYSTIC wallpaper
image modern gold MY 3057 MYSTIC wallpaper
image town PF2601 PORTOFOLIO wallpaper
image town PF2603 PORTOFOLIO wallpaper
image town PF2602 PORTOFOLIO wallpaper
image classic 3600202 GLUCK wallpaper
image modern big 9631-6 ARTISEE wallpaper
image 9631-5 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern big 9631-4 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern big 9631-3 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern big 9631-2 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern big 9631-1 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9628-5 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9628-4 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9628-3 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9628-2 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9628-1 ARTISEE wallpaper

image leaves 9627-3 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9627-2 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9627-1 ARTISEE wallpaper
image flower 9625-5 ARTISEE wallpaper
image flower 9625-4 ARTISEE wallpaper
image flower 9625-3 ARTISEE wallpaper
image flower 9625-2 ARTISEE wallpaper
image flower 9625-1 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9621-5 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9621-4 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9621-3 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9621-2 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9621-1 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9620-3 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 9620-2 ARTISEE wallpaper
image modern 2011-1 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2011-3 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2011-7 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2011-8 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2079-1 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2079-2 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2079-3 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2079-4 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 2079-5 PLACE 2 wallpaper

image modern 2079-6 PLACE 2 wallpaper
image modern 87198-3 LOHAS VOL 10 wallpaper
image modern 87236-2 LOHAS VOL 10 wallpaper
image modern blue 87292-2 LOHAS VOL 10 wallpaper
image modern line 76110-3 PHOENIX wallpaper
image modern line 76109-2 PHOENIX wallpaper
image modern silver 76126-1 PHOENIX wallpaper

gimana apa yang jadi pilihan motif di atas


Postingan populer dari blog ini


berikut rab pagar tembok, agar estimasi ini bisa menjadi pengetahuan untuk merencanakan anggarn biaya membuat pagar tembok. contoh dari rab pagar tembok biasa / polos tanpa variasi rencana pembangunan tembok panjang 6 m dan lebar 6 m tinggi 3 meter maka total panjangnya adalah 12 m’ dan luasnya adalah 36 m2, setiap 3 m dibutuhkan satu kolom praktis sehingga dibutuhkan 5 kolom, maka prediksi biaya yang harus dikeluarkan adalah : • Pekerjaan pondasi Rp. 200.000 / m’ x 12 m’ = Rp. 2.400.000,- • Pekerjaan sloof ukuran 20 x 30 cm Rp. 150.000 / m’ x 12 m’ = Rp. 1.800.000,- • Pekerjaan kolom ukuran 10 x 10 cm Rp. 150.000 / m’ x 3 m ‘ x 5 bh = Rp. 2.250.000,- • Pasangan bata merah, plester dan aci Rp. 150.000 / m2 x 36 m2 = Rp. 5.400.000,- • Jadi total biaya yang harus dikeluarkan adalah Rp. 11.850.000,- (warna biru harga berbeda tiap daerah berdasarkan harga satuan ya sesuai RAB)  


Sesuai dengan judul postingan kali ini adalah Menghitung Kebutuhan material Pagar, adalah permintaan dari pembaca yang minta bantuan menghitung kebutuhan material untuk pagar seperti gambar. Ukuran pagar Tinggi 2 meter panjang 8 meter


Bagaimana Cara Untuk menghitung / mengetahui jumlah kayu dalam setiap kubiknya per M3 manjadi perbatang,dengan cara : 10.000 : Tinggi : Lebar .... cm : Panjang Kayu .... M = Hasil contoh 10.000 : 2 : 20 : 4 = 62 batang